In accordance with the statutes of the COMEBE Consortium (article 14), the Scientific and Pedagogical Advisory Council is the consultative and advisory body and is made up of between 4 and 8 people of recognized professional prestige in the activities that are the object of the COMEBE.
The functions of the Scientific and Pedagogical Advisory Council are as follows:
a) To propose the corresponding updates of the museum project.
b) To propose the historiographical content of the actions, as well as of the main general axes of scientific and pedagogical work.
c) Define the scientific, historical and pedagogical contents.
d) To propose relations with the scientific and educational community to guarantee the quality of the actions.
e) Inform the pedagogical adaptation of the contents.
f) To promote discursive renewal and argumentative reflection on the themes of the Consortium.
g) Promote, where appropriate, the formalization of collaboration agreements with other public and private entities.
h) To issue such other reports as the Administration Council and the presidency may request.
i) To assist the governing and administrative bodies of the entity in all that they require.
Members of the Scientific and Pedagogical Advisory Board of COMEBE
David Alegre. PhD in Comparative, Political and Social History from the UAB. Professor in the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Girona.
Marc Macià Farré. Doctor in Contemporary History and professor at the University of Lleida and the Open University of Catalonia.
Carme Maigí. Teacher at IES Ramon Berenguer IV in Amposta. Coordinator of the DEMD – Terres de l’Ebre.
Teresa Morandi. Psychoanalyst specializing in Clinical Psychology and psychoanalyst. Founding member of Talaiar Salut.
Josep Munté Mateu. Historian and researcher of the International Brigades and the People’s Army of the Republic.
Anna Sospedra Rodríguez. Historian and writer of women in the Spanish Civil War.
Francesc Torres. Artist.
Joan Batista Forcadell. Director of Comebe.
Direcció científica des de la fundació fins el 2019
Des dels primers passos del COMEBE l’any 2001 i fins al 2019, la direcció científica del consorci va ser exercida pel Dr. Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté, catedràtic d’Història Contemporània de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).